
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2020


                                Teaching is a gift really feel that you have the ability to make another person acquire knowledge for you is wonderful I always liked to be a teacher, I love what I do, what I learn every day, and what in the future I will have as a challenge to be an excellent teacher worthy of the changes coming and for the challenges that this profession puts us.                This year was not normal or we had many things we wanted, we did not go out to the streets to enjoy the wind, the air, the sun as we always do but if we had a great opportunity as teachers we had to take the tools we learned during our educational process in our professional career and put them in a little screen that became our classroom assistant and for me, it was not only a professional challenge but academic because I had to face a virtual teaching prac...

Artefacts supporting evidence

a) My teaching journal My teaching journal In these documents you can find my teacher journal in that I have all the activities and class with the respective comments and conclusions after class.  https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/lmmejiama_unadvirtual_edu_co/EflEpLqTH-BDuwomj7VCqgEBZ77EYxXGYOEpsM4lV-SNLA?e=Qt7PC2  https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/lmmejiama_unadvirtual_edu_co/EcxrdEy_DsNKqSTcy7TN_tkBlWeFc46kkQrs1NqvJctuJQ?e=mbmPB3  b) A sample lesson plan that I liked and why A sample lesson plan that I liked and why I like this lesson plan because I had the opportunity to organize with many time and to do interactive activities in that the students were hay and on hold all the class and also the topic was interesting for the guys. https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/lmmejiama_unadvirtual_edu_co/ESau27RtQNdAvL8PjCvEnNkBOnCuVQ_aAmSLZP6FkJrA3Q?e=YCv8d1  c) A sample lesson plan that was particularly ...

My learners

a) Characterization https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/lmmejiama_unadvirtual_edu_co/Ebt8EOa7vu1NhbKOXsQlAw4BmqqhaaGX2EI-wot0J1dX1A b) Achievements https://voca.ro/18AH1pQppkJ0  c) Testimonials https://voca.ro/1idYBlVFlOV6 https://voca.ro/1d2BHRQKAIHN https://voca.ro/1jiaMJvqHouu https://voca.ro/1i3h9ipjtLHt https://voca.ro/1bWcN0MK36oC


  a) My teaching philosophy? My philosophy of education is based on many aspects that are around the pedagogy, as a teacher through different experiences I think that each student is a unique and unrepeatable world, the learning processes in each can have similarities as well as differences that make you unique and special, as the basis of education so you must create spaces designed for each but at the same time integrated and teaching is collaborative and individual in each process creating meaningful learning that integrates knowledge where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. In education, we must always be guided by the main actors are not only the teacher and the student but also integrated aspects such as methods, processes, how to evaluate, parents, technology, etc.   b) My beliefs about my teaching? Sometimes it is difficult to evaluate yourself and know that what you do is good or bad because you will always feel good, wonderful, with the ...


Thinking that education is only a mandatory step makes many people see education as a boring  requirement and already, but when you enter a wonderful and magical world where you learn to know the world, to investigate to understand the why of things, although when you join or stay immersed in pedagogy in teaching is much more enjoyable more surprising because you begin to be part of that society of the future, you begin to put that grain of sand for the world to change.